"Why Can't I Find My Direction?
17 Journaling Prompts to Create Your Ideal Life

As you work with the 17 journaling prompts in this immediately downloadable Guide you're getting so much more than a simple list of questions.

With your 17 Journaling Prompts you'll uncover and discover:

  • Your fundamental beliefs and values and how they impact your time choices.
  • Ways to expand your compassion and self-care.
  • What blocks your momentum and keeps you from unlocking opportunities for yourself.
Claim Your 17 Journaling Prompts


Warning! This is not a traditional Guide.

These 17 Journaling Prompts challenge, deepen, and clarify.

For example, as you explore your response to Prompt #6
you'll be discovering Six Keys to Unlock Your Time Wisdom.

These prompts include questions within layered questions that skillfully
lead you directly to the center of your struggles and help you
identify solutions that work uniquely for you.

Claim Your 17 Journaling Prompts


"I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. I signed up
for your blog, e-zine and tips -- and they have had a
significant impact on me. I find that reading, exploring,
and implementing your ideas gives me hope that
life can be different for me. I am newly inspired to
move forward and keep trying and discovering
new things! Your work has
tremendously blessed my life." BD

"Paula’s tools are some of the most powerful I’ve ever experienced.
Not only have I used these tools for myself, but I’ve
adapted them for my clients. Instead of addressing
surface issues, we can now reach the heart of
who we are and why we do what we do." JZ

"I have been focusing on living in the moment.
When I do that, I'm really in touch with myself
and the task at hand - and my productivity increases.
Thank you for this Guide.
Your tips and insights are such a big help!" DP

A Word From Paula

My passion is helping people understand time and energy through the gateway of their hearts. No matter what challenges you're facing, your heart holds keys that always empower you.

So I'm very excited to share "Why Can't I Find My Direction" with you today.

Your time is precious and this Guide offers you a path for exploring your heart-based values and aspirations so that you're spending that precious time on what's truly most important to you.

What you'll discover as you work with the prompts is transformative. So, I hope you'll explore this Guide for yourself.

Paula Eder
Claim Your 17 Journaling Prompts Today