Procrastination ranks right up there as one of the top time challenges. It eats up your energy, ignites your worries, erodes your health, and creates significant strains in relationships. You put things off and there’s a cascade of repercussions, while the clock keeps ticking and your to-do list grows.
And then on top of all the stress generated by unfinished tasks, do you get down on yourself for procrastinating and not accomplishing what you’d set out to do?
Well, it takes two things — starting and following through — to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Each can be tough. And this Guide helps you with both.
"'I Don't Know Where to Start!' How to Stop Stalling, Get Clear, and Turn Procrastination into Productivity"
puts proven, practical, heart-based time tools into your hands. It gently steers you to a deeper
understanding of the roots of your challenges and unlocks the door to your freedom.
This Guide will keep you productive and on-track throughout the year!
Reduce distractions that pull you off-track
Learn new strategies for moving forward and following through more effectively.
Open up and see (without judging yourself) where you get off-track
Procrastination's costs include lost productivity, lost income, lost opportunities, frazzled nerves and damaged relationships.
Procrastination is built on a foundation of illusion, denial, and misinformation. Learn to shine a light on all of that and overcome it.
Make authentic time choices that lead to business success, personal growth, vibrant health, and positive life changes.
“GREAT idea [about procrastination] — I used it immediately, and because of that
I am now working on a resume update for a possible new
opportunity. I'll be using this idea again and again!”
"Paula’s tools are some of the most powerful I’ve ever experienced. Not only have I used these tools for myself, but I’ve adapted them for my clients. Instead of addressing surface issues,
we can now reach the heart of who we are and why we do what we do."
Jennifer Zwiebel --
"I have been focusing on living in the moment. When I do that, I'm really in touch with myself
and the task at hand - and my productivity increases. Thank you for this Guide.
Your tips and insights are such a big help!"
"How to Renew Your Relationship with Time: Heart-Based Time Management Skills for Making Proactive Choices, Prioritizing, and Creating and Communicating Boundaries Effectively” is a Workbook that sells separately for $9.95 — and is my gift to you! You'll come back to it over and over, as you deepen your understanding of yourself and your time choices.
Working with this prioritization and boundary-setting material, both essential skills to alleviate the burden of procrastination, you’ll soon find yourself unlocking your power. This Workbook contains insights and exercises designed to open you to new possibilities.
"I Don't Know Where to Start!" unmasks procrastination with exercises to help you identify your own unique brand of procrastination and provides insights to help you successfully address it.
You'll also explore myths and limiting beliefs about procrastination, along with ways to use validation, affirmations, and specific tools to stay on track. Using the tools and skills you’ll learn in “I Don’t Know Where to Start” you will:
“Putting off an easy thing makes it hard.
Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible.”
George Claude Lorimer
A Word From Paula
My passion is helping people understand time -- and themselves -- through the gateway of their hearts.
I'm especially excited about "I Don't Know Where to Start" because Procrastination isn't something that happens TO you. It's a choice – and that's actually very good news. It means that YOU have ALL the say in this!
And so I'm pleased to share this Guide with you. It's a distillation of many of the things I've learned in my time journey, and it's my honor to offer it to you today.
When you give yourself "I Don't Know Where to Start" and its companion bonus, you're making an important investment in yourself and your time success!
Click below to claim your immediately downloadable
Guide and valuable bonus.
Start transforming your time today.
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