Did you know that the average person is faced with over 5,000 pieces of information each and every day? From emails to billboards to social media to family members to work to television to internet ads and beyond.
Stop and consider that for a moment. Every day, your brain is faced with more information than your grandparents saw in a week or many weeks, depending on your age.
And what you may not realize is your same brain is also making decisions about each piece of info — do something with it? disregard? learn more? file away for future reference? etc. — and this is above and beyond the conscious decisions that you're faced with each day.
I mean decisions like:
While I could go on and on, you get the idea.
What you may not realize is that your brain only has so much decision-making ability in the average day. After that, we reach "decision fatigue". It's the reason one study found that 70% of prisoners who had hearings in the morning were granted parole while only 10% who had hearings in the afternoon received parole.
It's why Barack Obama wore the same suit every day and why Steve Jobs only wore black turtlenecks and Mark Zuckerberg only wears black t-shirts and jeans. They save their decision making for more important things.
Now, while you can certainly wear the same thing every day to help minimize your decisions, you can also create templates for those things you repeatedly do. This allows you to use your template only when you need it.
My new E-Guide titled Transforming Your Time and Life with Templates shows you how to create a template that best serves you — no matter what it's for. And, as part of the E-Guide, we've even included a template for How to Stop Procrastinating.
***** “I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you...I find that reading, exploring and implementing your ideas gives me hope that life can be different for me. I am newly inspired to move forward and keep trying and discovering new things! Your work has tremendously blessed my life.” BD
***** “Paula has a gift for cutting right through to the core of an issue, and helping you identify what’s directing the feelings and behaviors that aren’t serving you. Her unique approach combines all sorts of creative and intellectual outlets that help you express and understand yourself. She opens your eyes to patterns you haven’t noticed, and offers you a way in to understanding and even shifting them.” JZ
***** “Paula Eder has a way of looking at time and energy that's different, and deeper, than anyone else I've known. She's just released a truly amazing product and having read every page, I can't speak highly enough about it.” Sandra Martini, Business & Client Care Advisor, www.TheMartiniWay.com
A Word From Paula
My passion is helping people understand time and energy through the gateway of their hearts. No matter what changes you're facing, your heart holds keys that always empower you.
So, I'm excited to share Transforming Your Time and Life with Templates today. This new E-Guide, at the low investment of just $7.00, offers you a powerful and practical path for streamlining the decisions and details or your life.
Are you ready to transform your life with templates? Click below to get your E-Guide.
Just imagine if you stopped trying to remember everything knowing it's already been captured AND you saved your decision-making ability for the things that really matter to you. That's what this E-Guide will show you how to do by creating templates which are truly supportive and are more than simple checklists.
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