Do you feel badgered by an endless loop of nagging voices in your head?

Or belittled and paralyzed by critical, self-blaming messages that keep you stuck?

Now you can silence those pestering voices once and for all.

This is the perfect time to replace worn-out, self-hating tapes with successful self-talk strategies, and I'm going to give you a powerful tool to make it possible.

It's my Exercise and Guide Book titled:

"These Critical Voices are Driving Me Crazy!"
How to Use Positive Self-Talk to
Save Your Sanity and Your Time.

Yes, I'd like to start today!

"Voices" is our most beloved product and it's my pleasure to offer it to you
as a package, with powerful bonuses and supporting material!
Just picture the possibilities...


Stop undermining yourself with negativity and nit-picking. Stay on track and get things done.


The criticism you heap on yourself is often the hardest to address, but you CAN change this. Befriending your mistakes offers a powerful antidote to self-criticism.


Self-criticism creates untold, self-induced stresses and strains. Learning to quiet this negative voice is a great gift to yourself.


Nothing beats that feeling of completion. When you give yourself supportive self-talk rather than constant criticism, tasks come to fruition and you congratulate, rather than berate, yourself.


Success builds confidence, and confidence contributes to success. Start some positive cycles for yourself as you explore "Voices."


When you know, right down to your toes, that you are on your own side, you are more open and relaxed. Just imagine the impact that has on your moments.

So Click This Button to Get Started

“This is, without a doubt, one of the most influential books I've ever read ...”

"Paula Eder shows us exactly how to quiet those critical voices that often stop us before we even
get started. I purchased "These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy" from Paula's site and have referred to it time and again to get me on track when the little voices start rearing their ugly heads.

This is, without a doubt, one of the most influential books I've ever read and I read at least
a book a week! It's such a great workbook (more than theory, Paula shares lots of
helpful exercises so you can implement as you read) that I bought copies for clients and friends."

Sandra Martini
Business & Client Care Advisor

"I recommend you download this Guide Book!"

"'These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!' How to Use Positive Self-Talk
to Save Your Sanity and Your Time is a resource that I highly recommend!

This Guide Book is by a secret genius as far as I'm concerned.
Her name is Paula Eder and she is absolutely brilliant when it comes to
how to be in relationship with self and how to be in relationship with time. 

If you're working on a project and wondering how much of it is really going
to happen, then I recommend you download this Guide Book!"

Heather Dominick
Thought Leader and Business Mentor

A bit more about Voices...

In "Voices" one of the first things you'll learn is that silencing your self-criticism is a 3-step process.

For example, first, you learn to recognize your critical voice. And if you get stuck, look for the visualization in the first chapter. I created it specifically to help you with this step.

Self-knowledge is power -- and as you work with this visualization you gather concrete information that helps you discover and dismantle the debilitating messages of your unique, critical voice.

With each step you gain new strength. And as you quiet your Inner Critic, new vistas open up. Ideas and opportunities blossom. The world looks different.

...and a bit more about your bonuses...

"Voices comes with a whole package of bonuses for your journey!

full audio version of "These Critical Voices Are Driving Me Crazy!" Listen on your computer, your iPad, your phone, or any other audio device.

Your own copy of the 
Special Report "Self-Criticism or Self-Care? How Your Choices Define You, Your Time, and Your Life." This is a practical and compelling exploration of self-care, full of tips and exercises. In this 18-page Special Report you'll explore why self-care is so important for you, what gets in your way, and how to change it.

Two powerful Templates from The Time Finder:

Strong New Voices for Wise Time Choices -- a specific, step-by-step path to help you strengthen your adult voice and improve your time choices; and

The Finding Time Daily Choices Template: Proven Strategies for Tracking Your Best Time Choices Today, Tomorrow, & All Year! --your blueprint for taking what works and really making it yours.

And everything is 
available for immediate download.

A Word From Paula

"Voices" offers you a practical, proven, step-by-step system that helps you get from where you are to where you'd like to be.

Using exercises, checklists, and tips, you will:

* Identify the Critical Self-Talk that Sabotages Your Efforts;
* Call on Your Voices of Reason and Compassion; and
* Detect and Dissolve Destructive Distortions.

I invite you to enjoy the video to the right, to learn more.


The good news is that you possess well-springs of untapped potential, including the power to turn away from
your Inner Critic and replace that negative voice
with truthful and affirming messages
that add to your confidence and sense of self-worth.

Just think of how that transforms your time,
your energy, and your life.

Just $27.00

Click below to claim your immediately downloadable
Exercise and Guide Book, and valuable bonuses.
Start transforming your time today.

I'm claiming my Voices Package now!